Veterans’ Fellowship

Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
In conjunction with Penn State Extension Service, GAIT hosted a three day camp for kids 10-18 in our 4-H Horsemanship Club and any other kids interested in horses. The first and third days were spent at GAIT doing games, bouncy horse “barrel races” and “stadium jumping,” crafts, demos and hands on with horses – grooming, leading, lunging, and even participating with a professional horse massage therapist. The second day, staff at the Extension Service organized a group tour for the participants at the Harness Racing Museum & Hall of Fame in Goshen, NY where they got to see the track with horses being exercised, experience their simulator, and, an apparently memorable museum display, learn about a horse so important that it had A/C in its stall for the summer.
Beginning at 7pm on June 6th and ending 7pm June 7th, Northeastern PA residents supported their local community programs through NEPA Gives 24 hours of giving. Organized by Scranton Area Community Foundation and in its fifth year, NEPA Gives offers financial prizes for various achievements for NPOs such as having a donor donate the closest to a particular time or having the most donations posted between 1 and 2 in the morning, for example. There are a large number of these prizes and they equal $500 to $1,000 added to what NPOs raise in donations. Although GAIT won prizes in past years, it did not in 2024. Over $2,000 was raised regardless, thanks to all of our supporters who participated, staying up late or getting up in the middle night, even, to try for prizes. Thanks to all!
May 11th
The Horse’s Birthday Party was held on May 11th with attendees enjoying an obstacle course, greeting the horses, singing Happy Birthday to them, making them treats, and watching them eat them.
Tuesdays of May
Wren Café of Milford donate part of their proceeds from each of the Tuesdays of May. Thank you Café Wren for your donation!
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
GAIT participated in Horses for Mental Health’s month long Seen Through Horses Campaign, raising both awareness and funds for programs serving those suffering from mental Health Issues. The funds raised were specifically for programs, like GAIT’s, that incorporate the horses and their healing powers in the services they offer. GAIT was able to raise over $3,000.